Quest item
Buy bags to get more inventory space
Here you can see your reputation with the different factions of Antorax. If you have a good reputation you may receive discounts from local merchants and the villagers may trust you enough to help them for a reward.
To improve your reputation, help the people in that area by doing quests for them or by attacking their enemies. Be careful though, because if you do something to make them angry they might not forgive you easily.
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UI programming: Peter Gill
Art lead: James Richards
Game programming: Jake Thakur
Animation & Area design: Sammer Atta
Additional art and programming: Zach Thakur
Additional writing: Corey Douglas
Pippin the Hunchback and Folk Round by Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0
You do not have enough inventory space to hold all of the possible rewards from this quest. If you complete it now, there is a chance you might not get as many rewards as you could.